05 diciembre 2011

BDSM Art: Stephan Sinding

One of the most powerful artistic interpretations of female supremacy (or male submission, that depends on the viewpoint) I know is adoratio, an artwork of the Norwegian sculptor Stephan Sinding (1846-1922) displayed in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek of Copenhagen.

stephan sinding adoratio femdom

This is a large piece of marble about two meters high, dated 1909. It represents a naked woman, young and beautiful, haughty seated on a throne, watching from above with no hint of emotion (scorn, after all) how a man, naked too, kneels at her feet, kissing and worshiping his goddess with total devotion.

stephan sinding adoratio femdom

Submitted, bent and tied characters seem to be one of the main topics of Sinding’s work, judging by other sculptures of him displayed in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, such as captive mother or the slave.

stephan sinding adoratio femdom

Sinding's artworks and especially his femdom adoratio appear to be forerunners of some major topics of BDSM imagery.

This work of Sinding seems inspired by one of Auguste Rodin entitled The Eternal Idol.


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